Improvement of scientific and education sphere is key vector of innovative development

Improvement of Scientific and Education Sphere is Key Vector of Innovative Development

Science and education are what the people accumulated for thousands of years and passed it down from generation to generation, this is our priceless heritage, the President noted. Therefore, successful implementation of the state programmes in political, economic, social and cultural spheres requires permanent improvement of scientific potential, expansion of the outlook of the specialists, ability to use modern technologies, in other words the training of educated qualified personnel.

At present, the opportunities for the improvement of qualification of our scientific staff, establishment of cooperation with large scientific and educational centres of the world, international organizations and funds have significantly expanded. This is indicated by regular conferences, symposiums, seminars, exhibitions, meetings of the representatives of science and education with the participation of numerous foreign guests in Turkmenistan.

International conference “Science and Innovative Technologies in the Epoch of Might and Happiness”, timed to the Day of Science on June 12, was one of important events. In addition to national scientists, lecturers and young researchers, it gathered the representatives of scientific circles from dozens of the world states.

The Day of Science owes its origin to the epoch of grandiose changes, which were based on weighted scientific approach and advanced achievements in this sphere. This big work was initiated by the President of Turkmenistan in 2007 when the Head of the State focused on the measures for fundamental renovation of scientific sphere.

Large-scale work has been carried out for the last ten years – reliable legal base of national science has been made, the main objectives and targets as well as priority directions of its development have been defined and long-term cooperation with big profile international organizations and centres has been started.

The participants of the forum discussed topical directions of the development of different branches of science, shared the results of their studies and presented their vision of the ways for the partnership and joint activity.

Scientific reports presented at the forum involved theory and practical subjects of the development of different branches of the economy starting form energy to ecological one.

The delegates of the forum also had an opportunity to take part in the events dedicated to the Day of Science – the award ceremony of the winners of scientific contest of young Turkmen scientists.

The review brought together more than thousand young talents who presented the developments and researches in six categories to the expert jury including actual directions of modern science. These are nano- and chemical technologies, study of new materials and energy; biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics; information and communication systems, computer technologies; medicine and medicine production technology; innovative economy; humanitarian studies. Having accessed the appropriateness of the theme of works, practical importance of the results and perspectives of their implementation into production and the level of scientific novelty, the jury defined the winners.

Turkmenistan has high state authority – the Academy of Sciences, which take the lead in the realization of scientific and technical policy of the country. Today, high educational institutes of the country have the Councils of Young Scientists involving the students and their tutors. The network of this scientific and educational structure is to stimulate scientific interests and initiatives of the youth, to support their development, realization and participation in international forums and meetings including abroad attracting them to the implementation of scientific projects, to create information base of innovations.

Priorities of scientific studies of national young scientists are focused on such researches as petrochemical industry, electrical energy, industry of construction materials, hydrocarbons and mineral resources production and processing, creation of nano-composite materials, methods of water purification, increment of gas production, monitoring seismic activity.

Presentations of the first results of joint field studies of the main Kopetdag Rift by the scientists of Turkmenistan and Great Britain and practices of introduction of advanced technologies into space geodesy, transport and logistic system, municipality management and other have been held in the last year.

National specialists work on innovative technologies of comprehensive processing of natural resources, make applied studies in such fields of natural sciences as microbiology, bioecology, chemistry, botany and other in the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. The scientists work not only in the labs but also in natural preserves studying wild species of fruit crops, medicinal herbs and other plants for the protection of their valuable, relic and rare species and rich green gene pool of the country.

Problems related to climate change, issues in agrarian science and innovative development of agriculture like livestock and poultry farming, plant growing, selection of strategic crops, veterinary and zootechnics as well as gene engineering, rational water use, waste management, methods of improvement of land fertility and combating soil salinization are under deep research.

Academic institutes, profile scientific departments, high educational institutions focus not only on fundamental studies but also on applied researches, carry out competitive, economically efficient explorations, implement modern technologies into production. New opportunities for training of qualified specialists and scientists who will make theoretical and practical works in such directions as communications, space, robotics, microelectronics are opened in Oguzkhan Engineering and Technology University after the launch of artificial satellite «TürkmenÄlem 52°Е».

The subject of educational tourism, innovative technologies in sports of high achievements and physical and health improving movement, ethnic and ecological traditions, computer linguistics, pedagogy, arts, music and literature studies are under review in the field of humanitarian sciences.

Scientists carry out historical and archaeological studies. Forums dedicated to current subjects of the world science as well as expeditions supporting the study of natural resources of the country, its history and culture are regularly organized.

Study of the monuments located along the Silk Road that used to cross the territory of our country in the past is continued. 70 monuments, where 9 in Ahal Velayat, 17 in Balkan Velayat, 8 in Mary Velayat, 11 in Dashoguz Velayat and 25 monuments in Lebap Velayat, have been registered. In general, colossal work has been done in Turkmenistan in the study and popularization of cultural heritage of the nation. However, there is many things to do. It includes the works under approved State Programme on collection, study and protection of national intangible cultural heritage in 2015 – 2020.

Today, the idea of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on restoration of the Silk Road finds response in the hearts of people calling up the nations and states to restore famous in the past roads of peace, friendship and solidarity on innovative platform by thus supporting the consolidation of universal harmony and stable economic progress. The history of ancient route is a chronicle of unique cultural cooperation and interchange between the nations of the planet.

Turkmenistan steadily improves scientific, technical, innovative and technology cooperation with leading foreign organizations and centres. Introducing the world standards into educational process, our country increases the collaboration in humanitarian sphere with the UN, European Union. Establishment of fruitful contacts between high schools of the state and leading scientific and educational centres of the world is visually indicated by the realization of different projects under such educational programmes as TEMPUS TACIS and other. Joint work is carried out with competent organizations working in Turkmenistan like the UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, UNESCO.

Thus, I Turkmen – Chinese Forum “Innovations, New Technologies and Their Implementation to the Production” was held in Ashgabat in October. It was organized by the Academy of Science of our country and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China.

Big opportunities for the establishment of cluster economy based on regional approach and technological achievements are opened by the Law of Turkmenistan of Free Economic Zones signed by the Head of the State that also stipulate special technical and implementation zones including technical fleets and technopoles. In this regard, favourable environment for merging of science and business with production and for establishment of innovative facilities is formed in the country.

Our state positions itself in the world as one of the strongest world powers that harmonically develops in all directions. New historical milestone of comprehensive progress of the country requires steadfast improvement of educational system together with other spheres of the economy.

Turkmenistan gained rich experience in education in the context of current demands. Construction of modern secondary professional and high education institutions provided with latest computers, study and technical equipment, interactive multimedia technologies as well as pre-school facilities and children recreation and health improving centres, expansion of cooperation with international organizations and leading scientific and international centres of the world, improvement of teaching foreign languages demonstrate special attention that the Government pays to fundamental reformation of this system.

Quality modernization of educational sphere also introduced topical novelties in school time-table, which together with basic studies includes such disciplines as the bases of economy, cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, world culture, modelling and graphics, information, communication and innovative technologies. Objectives of training of qualified personnel for different spheres of national economy have determined the foundation of secondary schools aimed at deep study of chemistry, biology and other disciplines.

Decision on the expansion of the spectrum of foreign languages studied by the students was another important step in this direction. Educational institutions with deep study of English, French, German, Japanese languages successfully works in the country.

Big work was completed for the improvement of learning and methodological provision of educational facilities including the publishing of modern books, which elaboration involved active participation of school teachers, leading specialists of the Ministry of Education, professors and lecturers of high educational institutions and personnel of the Academy of Sciences. Setting up important objectives of them, the Head of the State highlighted that modern school is not just well-provided educational base for training of educated and harmonically developed youth but also the base for maximum realization of intellectual potential of the nation.

Yearly victories of Turkmen university and school students at prestigious contests in different disciplines became visual results of innovative changes in educational sphere.

Ceremonial opening of new high educational institution – the Municipality Management University and Chemistry Faculty of Magtumguly Turkmen State University held with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on September 1, 2017 were the events of special importance.

Area of the complex of buildings of the Municipal Management University designed for 2,000 students is 25 hectares. The university includes 5 main faculties and 17 departments. It trains the students in 12 specializations while the faculty of qualification improvement provides the training upgrade for the personnel of the industry.

The university has 44 laboratories provide with modern equipment and technologies meeting international standards including electronic laboratory, laboratory of automatic planning systems of technological processes, laboratory of construction material and productions, plant biochemistry laboratory, electrical laboratory and other. It allows speaking of quality new approaches to the training of qualified personnel for municipal services. It also has modern hothouse where future specialists will master the knowledge of landscape design of cities and villages of Turkmenistan.

Magtumguly Turkmen State University is the oldest national education facilities that today is the largest scientific, educational and cultural centre of the country. For the last few years, educational base of the Turkmen State University underwent fundamental changes – the main building as well as the buildings of mathematic and geographic faculties have been built. New speciality are systematically opened in the University, active training of scientific personnel, postgraduate students and doctoral candidates is carried out.

Chemical industry is one of the fast developing branches of national economy that has huge resource potential. It is visually indicated by the facilities built in the country and provided with modern equipment and advanced technologies.

The complex of buildings includes training auditoriums provided with high technology equipment, experimental laboratories, dissertation rooms, language and computer classes, art laboratories, reading and multimedia halls.

During the opening ceremony of the facility, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that our independent Turkmenistan is the centre of knowledge. Living in such country, the youth has to study, receive the education and do creative work, glorify our motherland and to improve its authority. Educational, scientific and professional training of the students has to be on the highest level. They have to grow to skilful and qualified specialists. Professors and lecturers of the university have to be professionals in what they are doing and to implement modern equipment and advanced technologies in educational process. The President expressed his confidence that it would always be so.

Totally, 8,308 students have been accepted to high educational institutions in 2017 – 2018 academic year, which is 1,052 people more than in 2016 (14 percent of the growth rate). Geography of foreign educational institutions where Turkmen youth gets the knowledge expands with every year. Training of our compatriots abroad is also carried out under intergovernmental agreements by the assignment of the Ministry of Education and profile ministries and departments.

Thousands of boys and girls from Turkmenistan became the holder of student cards of prestigious university of Russia, Belarus, China, Malaysia, Romania, Turkey, Croatia and other states in 2016 – 2017.

Qualification of teachers who master advanced educational methods and informative technologies are also improved, international contacts of educational facilities of our and foreign countries are expanded. Having established close contacts with prestigious educational and scientific centres of Europe, Asia and America, Turkmenistan achieved considerable growth of its students in these continents and intensified the participation in international studies, university exchanges and development of academic information networks.

Interest of young Turkmen scientists to continue scientific training, improvement of qualification and scientific activity is visual result of the policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the development of fundamental and applied science in the country, consolidation of its scientific and technical potential and formation of new intellectual elite of the nation.

Quota for the specialities studied by the postgraduate students, doctoral candidates and aspirants are established based on the proposals of the ministries and departments taking into account the priority requirements of the branches of national economy in certain personnel. As the result, each graduate who received the degree is guaranteed with practical implementation of gained knowledge.

As it is seen, the necessary base for continuation of postgraduate professional education is actively developed in our country. this is related to the fact that enthusiasm and desire for the science is growing among Turkmen youth, the number of those who wish to do the study and to build scientific carrier is increasing. It means that there are all prepositions for the formation of new generation of young scientists and specialists who will be able to bring national science to high level in the nearest future.

collaboration spéciale International Diplomat

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